Resolution of Sports Contract Disputes: Bridging the Gap Between Sports Management Agency and Polish Clubs

Navigating a complex dispute between a management agency representing international players and various sports clubs in Poland.

The Issue?

In a situation marked by financial delinquencies, several prominent Polish team sports clubs faced difficulties in fulfilling their financial obligations under player contracts. These outstanding payments, managed by a sports management agency, posed significant risks, particularly in the context of the licensing process.

The Polish sports association’s licensing commission rigorously assesses clubs’ financial compliance. It scrutinizes whether clubs are up to date with payments to players, coaches, coaching staff, and medical personnel. Any detected arrears could jeopardize the club’s eligibility for a license in the upcoming competitive season. To mitigate these issues, clubs can extend their financial obligations through negotiated settlement agreements, thereby avoiding them being classified as immediately due and facilitating the acquisition of necessary licenses.

Additionally, the agency and the clubs were embroiled in disputes over the precise salary amounts, further complicated by currency exchange variances and ambiguities in contract terms regarding gross versus net payments.


Mediation as a
Strategic Approach

The resolution approach involved steering these matters towards mediation. This process successfully culminated in a mutually agreeable settlement. The resulting agreement, once legally endorsed and granted enforceability, held the same weight as a court ruling. Opting for mediation proved advantageous in saving significant time for all parties involved. It expedited the dispute resolution process, quickly addressing disagreements over financial commitments and enabling the clubs to secure their operational licenses.

Without these licenses, clubs risked exclusion from Poland’s highest-level sports competitions. Such exclusion would have severe implications, including the loss of television broadcast revenue, marketing contracts linked to league participation, and crucial sponsorship deals contingent on playing in the top division.


Client's Perspective

Andrzej Grzyb, a pioneering licensed sports manager in Poland, reflects on the efficacy of mediation:

Throughout my career, I’ve facilitated numerous transfers, ranging from top-tier athletes like Leon to emerging talents still under parental guidance. The advent of mediation has fundamentally transformed how we resolve disputes. Reflecting on the past, the implementation of mediation could have significantly reduced conflicts and saved considerable time. Dealing with clubs on various contentious issues, such as payments, transfers, injuries, and insurance matters, has always been challenging. Mediation has emerged as an effective and efficient tool, fostering agreements and resolving disputes across various facets of sports management.


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Contact detailsDauerman Sports Mediation Center Foundation
ul. Powstańców Śląskich 9
53-332 Wrocław
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Contact detailsDauerman Sports Mediation Center Foundation
ul. Powstańców Śląskich 9
53-332 Wrocław
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