Navigating Sports Disputes: Our Expertise

The sports world is vast and diverse, encompassing athletes, clubs, coaches, sports organizations, managers, and facility owners. In such a dynamic environment, disputes are inevitable. These range from intrinsic competitive conflicts in sports to more routine matters such as contract nuances, jurisdictional issues, and organizational disputes. Leveraging our comprehensive understanding of the sports sector, we offer guidance and resolution in all these areas.

Confronting Conflict with Strategy! Conflicts challenge our interests, values, needs, and objectives, often triggering intense emotions and hostilities. In such high-stakes situations, finding a constructive resolution independently becomes a formidable task.

What's the Alternative?

Our Solution

The usual path leads to the courtroom, and if significant finances or high-profile individuals are involved, to the media spotlight. However, litigation isn’t always the optimal solution. Legal proceedings are not only costly and protracted but also often result in outcomes that leave all parties dissatisfied, owing to their rigid adherence to legal statutes. This is where mediation comes into play – a process that returns control to the disputing parties. Through mediation, you have the autonomy to negotiate terms, make concessions, and prioritize what’s important to you. With the guidance of an experienced mediator, disputes can be resolved in a manner that is quicker, more cost-effective, and more satisfying than traditional court proceedings.


Institutional Disputes

Our expertise extends to resolving disputes within the sports sector, involving sports associations, clubs, event organizers, and facility owners. With a deep understanding of the sports industry's intricacies, we excel in navigating its structures and harmonizing the interests of diverse groups.

Athlete-Institution Disputes

Navigating the complex terrain of disputes between athletes and institutions is a specialty of ours. Be it with a sports club, an association, a sponsor, or national bodies like the Polish Olympic, Paralympic, or Non-Olympic Sports Committees, we adeptly find solutions that speak to all parties involved.

Financial Disputes

In the realm of financial disagreements, our success is unmatched. We handle a broad spectrum of financial disputes, including but not limited to, issues related to athletes' salaries, transfer fees, management commissions, sponsorship funds, image rights, and the acquisition of financial resources for sport development.
Unique, Complex Conflicts? We're Prepared!

Beyond the
Usual Cases

If your case is atypical, exceptionally complex, or multi-faceted, involving multiple parties with diverse interests, we’re still equipped to help. Our extensive experience in handling complicated disputes assures that we can navigate even the most seemingly insurmountable conflicts. We believe in the power of communication and agreement, even in scenarios that appear intractable. If you’re uncertain about your situation, simply reach out to us for tailored assistance.


in a Sports Dispute?


in a Sports Dispute?

Contact detailsDauerman Sports Mediation Center Foundation
ul. Powstańców Śląskich 9
53-332 Wrocław
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Contact detailsDauerman Sports Mediation Center Foundation
ul. Powstańców Śląskich 9
53-332 Wrocław
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